Antioxidants help to protect the body against the highly reactive chemicals called ‘free radicals’ that can damage cells. Free radicals can be formed when we breathe in pollution from the air, such as smoke, gases and tiny particles of poisonous heavy metals, like lead contained in petrol fumes. This particular combination of vitamins is proven to be a good line of defence for the body against these pollutants. In addition, vitamin A is essential for normal vision and healthy bone structure and helps vitamin C to work efficiently in the body. Vitamin C helps to maintain a healthy immune system to fight infections. Vitamin E acts as an anti-pollutant for the lungs and works most effectively when combined with selenium. Selenium has been shown to be beneficial to the reproductive health of both men and women and appears to have an anti-cancer effect. Valupak Selenium with A,C and E is suitable for vegetarians.
Seven Seas has been supporting family health since 1935. These carefully crafted Pure Cod Liver Oil has been loved by families and passed down through the generations. It is a rich natural source of Omega-3 that includes the nutrients EPA and DHA: Contains a source of Omega-3 Supports everyday good health Helps maintain healthy bones […]
Vitamin D is a prohormone, which is the precursor to a hormone. In its raw form (sun exposure, foods, supplements), Vitamin D is inert and has to go through a series of complex biochemical reactions before your body can use it. These reactions produce calcitriol, which is the form of Vitamin D that is used by your body (D2 and D3).
Vitamin D is one of the only vitamins that your body can produce by itself. What is the catalyst that gets your D production going? Good old fashioned sunshine! It’s the ultraviolet-B radiation (UVB) that enables vitamin D production to occur in the skin.
Pharmaton is designed for those of us who are living a busy, hectic lifestyle that leave them feeling tired, drained, sluggish, and generally exhausted, taking clinically proven Pharmaton Capsules daily can have you feeling more energetic in a matter of weeks. Pharmaton Capsules contains a unique plant based extract from Panax Ginseng. It is the […]
For generations Haliborange tablets have been a delicious way of adding to the body’s supply of Vitamin C effectively and easily. With as much Vitamin C as 20 freshly pressed oranges and bursting with the natural flavours of orange, Haliborange Effervescent Vitamin C tablets, dissolved in a glass of water are the perfect way to […]
Cod liver oil is a popular supplement with older people, as it has been found to keep joints healthy and supple, and these are important benefits if you want to keep your body feeling young and active. Cod liver oil is also a rich source of EPA (eicosapentoenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaeonic acid) It has […]
Women are increasingly looking to maintain health naturally during the menopause. Menopace is an effective formulation of 21 nutrients, which can be taken alongside or independently of HRT. In independent consumer tests up to 85% of women found it helpful in maintaining all round good health. The secretion of ovarian hormones oestrogen and progesterone declines […]