Women are increasingly looking to maintain health naturally during the menopause. Menopace is an effective formulation of 21 nutrients, which can be taken alongside or independently of HRT. In independent consumer tests up to 85% of women found it helpful in maintaining all round good health.
The secretion of ovarian hormones oestrogen and progesterone declines around the menopause, but menstrual cycles seldom cease abruptly and there is a period of transition in which considerable hormone fluctuations become readily apparent.The advanced Menopace formula includes vitamin B complex, zinc and magnesium, three nutrients used by the body in the production of GLA (gamma linolenic acid), a precursor of the body’s own hormone like substances which help regulate changes in hormone balance.
Unique Supplement to help maintain Healthy Eyes & Good Vision Recommended by leading UK optometrists and eye care specialists, Visionace is a unique research based supplement to help maintain healthy eyes and good vision. Each tablet contains antioxidant nutrients like natural carotenoids, vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which help to maintain the health of the retina […]
Evening primrose oil has become a preferred treatment for a number of conditions including eczema, high cholesterol and rheumatoid arthritis. Evening primrose oil is also considered to have healing properties and can help with skin problems and diseases. Evening primrose oil has been shown to ease menstrual and menopausal problems for women.
Haliborange Kids Multivitamin Liquid contains 9 essential vitamins designed in line with scientific research on children’s reference nutrient intakes and ideal for every stage of your child’s development, Haliborange baby and toddler multivitamin liquid contains a balanced range of 9 essential vitamins to help maintain healthy immune defences, mental performance and healthy bones and teeth. […]
Vitamin D is a prohormone, which is the precursor to a hormone. In its raw form (sun exposure, foods, supplements), Vitamin D is inert and has to go through a series of complex biochemical reactions before your body can use it. These reactions produce calcitriol, which is the form of Vitamin D that is used by your body (D2 and D3).
Vitamin D is one of the only vitamins that your body can produce by itself. What is the catalyst that gets your D production going? Good old fashioned sunshine! It’s the ultraviolet-B radiation (UVB) that enables vitamin D production to occur in the skin.
Valupak Multivitamins & Iron are essential to the efficient functioning of the body and its systems, providing the building blocks for enzymes, hormones and such like which help to control the many chemical reactions which occur continuously in the body. Iron forms part of the haemoglobin in the blood which helps transport oxygen to body […]
Folic acid helps reduce the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida. The most important time to take it is from a few months before you conceive until the end of your first trimester (12 weeks). During this period, it’s important that you are eating a healthy balanced diet as well as taking a […]